Shelby's TNT experience

A blog of my experience with Team In Training. Friends & Family can follow my interesting journey from being a person who cannot stand to run to a person who will hopefully cross the finish line of a 1/2 marathon Febuary 1st!


The Foot - almost a week until race day

With Monday a holiday, I called to see about getting an appointment with my new Dr. at Kaiser on Tuesday. I was able to go in at 5:00pm that day so I left work a little early and headed over. I told the doctor how after one of my longest runs, 7 miles the Saturday after Christmas, that my foot ached and I was limping just after I finished. Like the rest of my aching body, I assumed it was more sore than injured and it would be good in a day or two. After 2 weeks of off and on, mostly on, pain... during the third week it felt completely better. After a few days without pain, I was looking forward to my run the upcoming Saturday and within the first mile I felt the twinge of pain. Then by mile 4 I was hobbling. Within 24 hours the pain was gone and here I was in her office with no pain. Like when you go to the mechanic and your car won't make the same noise... ugh! Anyway, she pressed around and checked out my foot. Due to the fact that I could go sometimes days without pain and that there was no swelling, no pain when she pressed around, she could confirm that it was definitely not broken or fractured, no torn ligaments or muscle tissue. She did notice that my arch was a little collapsed but that does happen when you run long distance and why you need a good shoe and perhaps arch supports. I did mention that I had had arch supports in my old shoes (the ones that were bad for my knee) and had forgotten to put them in the new shoes that Saturday I hurt my foot. Could be that.... and maybe my foot is just not completely healed, but I did have my arch supports in last Saturday. She suggested maybe it's the shoes and my foot needs more support and stability - could be that... but ironically the shoes that had more support were too supportive for my knee and caused IT band/knee pain. So that's no good. Basically my only option right now is to try a foot wrap to give my foot more support and use the same shoes that I have been, that are good for my knee and see what happens this Saturday. We are only doing about 6 miles since it is the weekend before the race. Wish me luck, I really hope this works!! I want to at least walk/run some of the race :(


At January 23, 2009 at 6:06 AM , Blogger Chandra said...

C'mon foot! You can do it ;-)


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