Shelby's TNT experience

A blog of my experience with Team In Training. Friends & Family can follow my interesting journey from being a person who cannot stand to run to a person who will hopefully cross the finish line of a 1/2 marathon Febuary 1st!


MERRY CHRISTMAS & only 36 more days!!

I woke up about 7:30am and braved the crazy wind and cold and went for a 40 minute run in Golden Gate park. Ominous clouds were threatening rain and... of course... as I hit my turn around point, it began to POUR and loud claps of thunder... good times. And no, my "water resistant" jacket is just that. It resists some amount of water, but not water proof. LOL. I was way less conserned about me being wet than I was about my iphone in my pocket getting wet!

Garrett and I loaded up the car with the turkey, my cake, egg nog and rum and headed out... well tried to - the car wouldn't start. Good times. Luckily I have the most handy boyfriend ever!! The battery cable was loose and dirty so he got it all straightened out and we were on our way and not running too late.

Kristen made Grammy's famous cinnamon rolls - mmm..... and we had egg nog and cookies - then we all had serious sugar comas for about an hour or so, lol. It was a lovely day, just being lazy, listening to xmas music, hanging out and waiting for the 7 hour grilled turkey. It was worth it - oh what a feast! We had the grilled turkey, stuffing, (I made the gravy), a yummy mango/avocado salad, baked potatos and artichoke & spinach casserole and of course topped the feast off with my Rum cake and some pumpkin ice cream. Garrett's friend Austin joined us for dinner as well.
I hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas!
Much love,


At December 26, 2008 at 10:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

iPhone? Rain? Zip-lock bags.

- Raf


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