Shelby's TNT experience

A blog of my experience with Team In Training. Friends & Family can follow my interesting journey from being a person who cannot stand to run to a person who will hopefully cross the finish line of a 1/2 marathon Febuary 1st!



Every Wednesday night is track night at Keazar Stadium with the coaches. We met at 6:15pm and did a "warm up" jog for 15 minutes. I say "warm up" in quotes because a mile for me is not a warm up! lol.

Then we did 2 miles for time so we could track our progress. My first mile was 12.25... Not as bad as I thought, but definite room for improvement I suppose! I pretty much kept the pace of a slow jog for 3/4 and walking 1/4 for the 2 miles. However, I messed up my official 2 mile time... after the first mile Annie took a walk break and I kept going, thinking she'd probably catch up with me when I took my walk break. She never did catch up with me so I was running the last mile by myself, but Annie later told me she could see me the whole time, about 1/4 mile ahead of her. So on my 7th lap I see another girl, Angie and she said she was finishing her last lap which made since because I had one more to go... so I thought. I really did! I finished my "last lap" and the coach called out 22.27. Well that is definitely NOT my time! There is no way I got faster the last mile! I started to walk down the track to do a cool down and looked up to see Annie jogging a bit in front of me so I sprinted up to catch her and asked her if she was on her last lap, she said yes. I told her what happened and she agreed I should also be on my last lap too since I was always 1/4 ahead of her. Oh well. I ran the last lap with her and we got the time of 27 minutes something. So my final time was a little off, would would have been a tad less had I not stopped, thinking I was done! HA! Hence why I either need a counter or to stay with a buddy!


First "Buddy Run" - Monday morning

Every Monday we have a "Buddy Run" where we can meet up with a group and one of the team's mentors to do a light morning run. I chose to meet up with Annie with the Lake Merced group. It's on my way to work, but kind of a pain to have to back track to go home and clean up and then turn around and go back again to head south for work. Annie lives just beyond Lake Merced and was so awesome to offer up her place for me to get ready so I would be able to just hop back on the highway to head down to Palo Alto.

So Monday morning the alarm went off at 5:00am... yep, FIVE A.M. -ugh. I headed to the parking lot we were to meet at 6:00, but it was SO dark that I could not see anything! I waited a bit and then about 5 minutes after 6:00 I decided to drive down to the farther side of the parking lot just to check. Sure enough, Annie & her mentor Mike were over there! One other girl joined us and we ran about 10 minutes then did some light stretching, then continued on until we reached 15 minutes and turned back. Again, I had to walk for about a minute, but still doing pretty good I think! My hip flexors are really sore!

Tuesdays we are just supposed to strength train on our own with whatever activity we choose. Wednesday is our next coach training in the evening and I've heard it's pretty tough! Thursdays are also a solo day, Fridays we are "off" and then Saturday starts it off again with the big group/coached run. Fundraising is going pretty good! It's been trickling in and I am in such a good mood when I see another donation come in!! I'm not quite half way... but I'll keep you posted!