Shelby's TNT experience

A blog of my experience with Team In Training. Friends & Family can follow my interesting journey from being a person who cannot stand to run to a person who will hopefully cross the finish line of a 1/2 marathon Febuary 1st!



Thank you so much everyone who not only have contributed to my fundraising for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, but who are also reading parts or all of my blog and offering words of encouragement! I appreciate it so much and it really helps me to keep going, thank you!!

I understand it is not only Christmas time, but also a straining time on everyone's wallets. Those who are interested in donating but maybe haven't yet for whatever reason, please let me tell you that every little bit helps! If everyone I knew donated just $10 - I would $600 closer to my goal. As it stands I am still $1,200 away from my mandatory fundraising goal and need to reach it by the end of January. It's for a really great cause - yes, I am a "cause" if you have ever seen me attempt anything athletic ;) - but Team in Training raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for research and family assistance to those with blood cancers. (Shelby's TNT donation page)

An estimated 138,530 people in the United States will be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma in 2008. New cases of leukemia, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma account for 9.6 percent of the 1,437,180. If you'd like to learn more click here.


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